Issue - meetings
Leisure, Libraries and Heritage Alternative Delivery Model – Staffing Structure Proposals
Meeting: 14/02/2017 - Cabinet (Item 159)
Leisure, Libraries and Heritage Alternative Delivery Model – Staffing Structure Proposals
Additional documents:
- Restricted enclosure 2
- Restricted enclosure 3
- Restricted enclosure 4
- Restricted enclosure 5
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Kevin Jones introduced the Leisure, Libraries and Heritage Alternative Delivery Model – Staffing Structure Proposals report which focused on implementation of the Leisure and Libraries restructure at tiers 3 and 4 within the new company in order to provide an optimum, efficient, and fit for purpose structure in readiness for the proposed transfer in July 2017.
(a) That the Design Principles for the restructure be agreed;
(b) That the tier 3 and 4 management structure for Leisure and Libraries detailed in the report, subject to minor changes that may need to be made following the grading of the posts, to ensure the structure remains within the agreed budget, be agreed; and
(c) That the recruitment to the management tiers commence during February and March 2017.