Issue - meetings
Wales Audit Office Report on Financial Resilience: Savings Planning: Council Response
Meeting: 15/03/2017 - Audit Committee (Item 54)
54 Wales Audit Office Report on Financial Resilience: Savings Planning: Council Response PDF 88 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 – Financial Resilience: Savings Planning – Flintshire County Council: January 2017, item 54 PDF 148 KB
- Appendix 2 – Council Executive response, item 54 PDF 70 KB
That the Committee endorses the Council’s response to the proposal for improvement of the Wales Audit Office report on the Council’s arrangements for financial savings planning.
The Chief Executive invited Mr. Paul Goodlad to present the Wales Audit Office (WAO) report on the findings of the review on financial resilience. This would form part of a national summary report combining the results for all 22 Welsh councils. The review concluded that ‘the Council has a sound financial planning framework and it continues to strengthen its financial planning to better support future financial resilience.’
Mr. Goodlad said that the majority of savings proposals were found to be well developed and financially robust, but that most of those predicted to underachieve had not been fully costed at the start of the year. The extent of consultation and approval processes had impacted on the pace of some projects, resulting in some slippage to planned savings. The Council expected to achieve 90% of its 2016/17 revised planned savings.
The Chief Executive explained the reporting arrangements for local WAO work under the agreed protocol and drew attention to the extensive executive response to the report approved by Cabinet. In welcoming the positive report, he said that challenges on financial planning were shared by all councils. Although good progress was being made on financial planning for 2018/19, funding solutions to another major funding ‘gap’ would be a significant challenge for the new Council. He highlighted the Council’s proactive approach to the budget process allowing for early consultation and cited the transparency and frequency of reporting on the progress of efficiencies as an example of good practice. As previously recommended by WAO, the Council had adopted key performance indicators on future efficiency targets with the intended aim of achieving a minimum of 95%.
In response to queries from Councillor Alison Halford, explanation was given on the three savings proposals which had been tested by WAO. These included Household Recycling Centres where Overview & Scrutiny debate and public opinion had led to delays in exploring alternative solutions which had resulted in a more positive conclusion. Clarification was given on the regulations and complexities of the regional waste facility, which was a different matter. The Chief Officer (Governance) agreed to provide the Committee with information on the in-house bailiff service.
Councillor Ian Dunbar commended the outcomes for Household Recycling Centres and library relocations, following public support and positive actions taken by the Council.
That the Committee endorses the Council’s response to the proposal for improvement of the Wales Audit Office report on the Council’s arrangements for financial savings planning.