Issue - meetings
Trade Union (Wales) Bill
Meeting: 01/03/2017 - Flintshire County Council (Item 97)
97 Trade Union (Wales) Bill PDF 104 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - Final Consultation Letter on Trade Unions, item 97 PDF 133 KB
- Enc. 2 - Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee Inquiry into Trade Union (Wales) Bill, item 97 PDF 71 KB
- Webcast for Trade Union (Wales) Bill
That the Council supports the Trade Union (Wales) Bill, on the recommendation of Cabinet and recognising established Council policy as set out in the Notice of Motion.
The Chief Executive introduced a report on the Trade Union (Wales) Bill which sought to dis-apply certain provisions of the Trade Union Act 2016 in Wales. An initial response by Cabinet in support of the Bill had been provided to the Equalities, Local Government & Communities Committee of the National Assembly for Wales. A response by full Council was now invited in view of the Notice of Motion considered in March 2016.
In summarising the reasons for maintaining current arrangements, the Chief Executive spoke about the effective working relationship between the Council and recognised Trade Unions, with the Facilities Agreement providing clarification on roles.
Councillor Aaron Shotton urged Members to endorse the Cabinet response which followed up on the Notice of Motion and showed support for the Bill. This was duly seconded.
In supporting the recommendations, Councillor Paul Shotton paid tribute to the positive joint working between officers and Trade Union officials.
That the Council supports the Trade Union (Wales) Bill, on the recommendation of Cabinet and recognising established Council policy as set out in the Notice of Motion.