Issue - meetings

Council's Well-being Objectives

Meeting: 14/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 162)

162 Council's Well-being Objectives pdf icon PDF 71 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


The Chief Executive introduced the Well-being objectives report.  The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 required named statutory bodies to set and publish Well-being Objectives; those objectives had been set as part of forward improvement planning. 


The set of Well-being objectives supported the seven national Well-being goals and the priorities and ambitions of the Council and they aligned well with the priorities of the Improvement Plan and future strategic objectives.


Due to the timing of the objectives in that they needed to be set and published by the end of March 2017, it was possible that the new Council, following the elections, might want to amend the objectives.


The report had been submitted to the recent Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting which recommended that the words ‘household and business’ be deleted on the third Green Council objective, which was agreed.  It had also been recommended that an objective be included on Community Safety and the suggestion was that under the objective Caring Council, a third bullet point be included of ‘Making communities safe places by working with partners to prevent crime, repeat crime and anti-social behaviour’ which was also agreed.




That the draft Well-Being objectives be approved, subject to the amendments above being made.