Issue - meetings
Social Services Annual Report
Meeting: 14/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 164)
164 Social Services Annual Report PDF 94 KB
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As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Christine Jones introduced the Social Services Annual Report which looked at the performance of the local authority’s delivery of its social care functions and improvement priorities.
The purposes of the Social Services Annual Report was to set out the improvement journey and evaluate Social Services’ performance in providing services to people that promoted their wellbeing and supported them to achieve their personal outcomes.
The report format had changed and was now more closely aligned to the National Outcomes Framework which would demonstrate performance in meeting the wellbeing outcomes of people in Flintshire. The report would form an integral part of the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) performance evaluation of Flintshire Social Services.
The overall assessment was that Social Services in Flintshire continued to drive forward service improvement, ensuring there was an effective range of good quality services that supported and protected vulnerable people. The Annual Report also outlined the improvement priorities identified for 2017/18 which were detailed in the report.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) said Flintshire was one of the first local authorities to submit their Annual Report to a Cabinet meeting and he thanked the work of the Social and Health Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee who had provided a clear steer on the style of the document which had then been produced by Double Click.
That the report, which provides an accurate and clear account of social care in Flintshire, be endorsed.