Issue - meetings

Landfill Management and Gas Engine Maintenance Contract

Meeting: 14/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 171)

171 Landfill Management and Gas Engine Maintenance Contract pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Kevin Jones introduced the Landfill Management and Gas Engine Maintenance Contract report.


The Council owned two active landfill sites at Standard Industrial Estate and Brookhill Industrial Estate in Buckley and approval of the Commissioning Form was sought which would allow the service to procure a single supplier for both the general landfill maintenance and gas engine/leachate plant management.


                        The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) explained that details of the scope of the proposed contract was outlined in the report.  The new contract would protect budgets and remediate future pressures from the operations at the two landfill sites.  The proposals would ensure that the Council managed the asset in the most environmentally friendly manner and would maximise and protect the Council from fluctuations in energy production levels in future years.




            That the Commissioning Form for Landfill Maintenance, Gas Engine and Leachate Plant management, as required by the Contract Procedure Rules, be approved.