Issue - meetings

Quality Assurance report

Meeting: 02/03/2017 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 68)

68 Children's Services Quality Assurance Report pdf icon PDF 95 KB

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That the report be received.



The Senior Manager Children and Workforce introduced a report to present the monitoring of progress for 2016/17 against the Quality Assurance Framework for Flintshire Children’s Services.   He provided background information and advised that the report used information derived from performance measures, compliments and complaints, themes emerging from file audits and quality checks, and case studies and personal stories, to show how children, young people and their families, view social services and the outcomes being achieved.   The Senior Manager Children and Workforce reported on the main considerations, as detailed in the report.


                      Councillor Hilary McGuill welcomed the report which she said  was  “reassuring”.  She also welcomed the use of questionnaires and personal stories to enhance quality assurance.


                      In response to a question from the Chair concerning the resource implications detailed in paragraph 2.02 of the report the Senior Manager Children and Workforce explained that the Service was exploring the use of CAMMS/Sycle for quality assurance purposes in the future.




That the report be received.