Issue - meetings

Council’s Well-being Objectives

Meeting: 09/03/2017 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 95)

95 Council’s Well-being Objectives pdf icon PDF 70 KB

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That subject to the removal of the words ‘household and business’ from the third Green Council Objective, the draft set of Well-being Objectives be supported and the Cabinet informed accordingly.


The Chief Executive presented the proposed Well-being Objectives for consideration prior to submitting for Cabinet approval.  The Committee’s views were sought on the Objectives, which aligned to the priorities of the Improvement Plan, to enable publication by the statutory deadline and review by the new administration.


Councillor Aaron Shotton referred to the timing of the report and the statutory requirement to publish the Objectives before 31 March 2017.


Councillor Richard Jones referred to the objective to maximise recovery and recycling of household and business waste, pointing out that most businesses used private companies.  The Chief Executive acknowledged this point and said that the Council could have some degree of influence with no direct control.


The Committee indicated support for the Objectives with the change suggested by Councillor Jones.




That subject to the removal of the words ‘household and business’ from the third Green Council Objective, the draft set of Well-being Objectives be supported and the Cabinet informed accordingly.