Issue - meetings
056257 - Full Application - Amendments to Planning Permission 050293 Including Microbrewery, Internal Changes, Outside Walls and Garage at Pachers Cottage Inn, High Street, Ffrith.
Meeting: 12/04/2017 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 162)
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for 056257 - Full Application - Amendments to Planning Permission 050293 Including Microbrewery, Internal Changes, Outside Walls and Garage at Pachers Cottage Inn, High Street, Ffrith., item 162
PDF 366 KB
- Webcast for 056257 - A - Full Application - Amendments to Planning Permission 050293 Including Microbrewery, Internal Changes, Outside Walls and Garage at Poachers Cottage Inn, High Street, Ffrith.
That the application be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment).
The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application which had been the subject of a site visit. The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses were detailed in the report.
The officer summarised the reasons for recommending approval of the application (subject to conditions) for amendments to a previously agreed scheme involving the addition of a microbrewery, internal changes, outside walls and a garage. He drew attention to the objections raised by a local resident which were included in the late observations.
Mr. M. Davis spoke against the application on the following grounds: the reduced height of the wall on the road side, front west elevation to enable safe exit onto the main road; meeting parking policy requirements as there was capacity for a maximum of four cars on the south side and not eight as indicated in the Design Access Statement plus the three spaces at the front and side of the garage; additional parking capacity for the owners’ 6-8 vehicles and parking needs of customers; question over the erection of a garage as the previous owners had been refused planning permission due to the proximity to the bend in the road; concerns about possible permanent odour from the microbrewery onto Lime Street and noise pollution from the air conditioning units. Mr. Davis also said that he had not been part of the consultation and that he supported the project reaching its conclusion, subject to these issues being addressed, given his concerns about health and safety on the site as he lived nearby.
Councillor M. Gittins of Llanfynydd Community Council also spoke against the application on the following grounds: lack of detail about assessment of parking capacity required to support the additional businesses and for residents, given the loss of parking spaces as part of the original application and the only available off-road parking on shared access with two other residences; whether an environmental impact assessment had been undertaken to determine noise and air quality impact from the microbrewery and refrigeration unit on surrounding areas; the past application refused by Welsh Government due to the lack of visibility from the access to be used for maintenance of the refrigeration unit; and the location and safety of the access which did not form part of the site visit by the Committee.
Councillor Roberts moved the officer recommendation for approval which was seconded. He considered there to be no grounds for refusal, particularly in respect of the parking issues given the former use of the site as a public house.
Whilst agreeing with comments on the state of the site, Councillor Thomas also supported approval of the application.
Councillor Lloyd sought clarification on the proposed height of the wall and parking opposite the site as well as the business opening hours. He also felt that if approved, the site should be monitored to assess noise and odour impact.
Councillor Butler referred to alternative parking nearby used during the site’s former use. ... view the full minutes text for item 162