Issue - meetings
Community Asset Transfer Follow Up
Meeting: 13/03/2017 - Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 60)
60 Community Asset Transfer Follow Up PDF 82 KB
That the Committee note the report and support the work taking place in Year 2 of the Community Asset Transfer programme.
The Chief Officer (Organisational Change 2) introduced the report to provide an update on major asset transfers in Year 2 and the overall financial benefits of the programme since it started. He provided background information and reported on some of the large scale asset transfers, as detailed in the report, which were being progressed in the current year.
Councillor Dave Mackie referred to the anticipated Condition survey costs and queried the difference between the figure detailed in Table 1 of the report and the capital support sum provided by the Authority which was linked to condition survey information and general need. The Chief Officers responded to the concern and explained that a percentage of the figure in Table 1 of the report was covered through grants or local stakeholders undertaking work free of charge. Officers advised that annual meetings were held for each of the Groups undertaking an asset transfer and their revenue and capital position was closely considered.
Councillor Chris Dolphin commented on the importance of condition surveys in terms of achieving grant funding.
That the Committee note the report and support the work taking place in Year 2 of the Community Asset Transfer programme.