Issue - meetings
Certification of grants and returns 2015/16
Meeting: 15/03/2017 - Audit Committee (Item 53)
53 Certification of grants and returns 2015/16 PDF 72 KB
Additional documents:
That the content of the Grant Claim Certification for 2015/16 be noted.
The Finance Manager, Strategy Accounting and Systems introduced the grant claim certification from Wales Audit Office (WAO) for the year ending 31 March 2016. The WAO report recognised a marked improvement in the production and submission of grant claims and made five recommendations for further improvement which were being actioned by the Finance Management team. Of the 13 grant claims certified for the year, the net adjustment of £6,633 was a small proportion of the overall total of £156m and did not result in financial loss to the Council.
Mr. Matthew Edwards of WAO welcomed the good progress made to address previous concerns and said that the recommendations for further enhancement would be followed up as part of the 2016/17 audit work. He drew attention to the key issues for the adjustments including the Bus Service Support Grant which was a new scheme for the Council and required further development of the guidance to help understanding and interpretation.
Councillor Alison Halford sought clarity on issues relating to Communities First. The Finance Manager explained that these were mainly being resolved by ensuring that all service managers were aware of the need to seek written evidence of approvals from Welsh Government (WG) and not relying solely on verbal permission. Councillor Halford also commented on the challenges to the Council arising from late notification by WG on the Bus Service Support Grant. The Chief Executive agreed that the impact had been raised with WG. He went on to advise of a confidential report to Cabinet on Communities First arrangements.
Following comments by the Chairman on recurring issues, Mr. Edwards said that a high level of testing was undertaken. The Chief Executive acknowledged that good progress had been made but expected evidence of further improvement in the report for next year.
The Interim Internal Audit Manager advised that a review of corporate grants was currently in progress.
That the content of the Grant Claim Certification for 2015/16 be noted.