Issue - meetings
Report back from the Call In of Decision No. 3358 - Deeside Plan
Meeting: 14/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 173)
173 Report back from the Call In of Decision No. 3358 - Deeside Plan PDF 71 KB
As detailed in the recommendation.
The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced the report on the Call-In Decision on the Deeside Plan, Record of Decision No. 3358, which had been considered at Cabinet on 14th February.
The Call-In was held at the Community and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 8th March and following lengthy consideration, the decision was Option 2 ‘that the explanation be accepted but not endorsed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’. Therefore, the decision could be implemented with immediate effect.
That the resolution of the Community and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Record of Decision No. 3358 be noted.