Issue - meetings
Investment Strategy Statement
Meeting: 21/03/2017 - Clwyd Pension Fund Committee (Item 69)
69 Investment Strategy Statement PDF 85 KB
To provide Committee Members with the
Investment Strategy Statement for approval
Additional documents:
1. That the Committee approved publication of the Fund’s Investment Strategy Statement.
Mr Buckland (Fund Investment Consultant – JLT Group) went through some of the changes in the ISS which replaces the Statement of Investment Principles. Under the Funding and Investments section on page 206 of the papers, there were two new objectives and page 213 highlighted the new investment strategy.
The approach to pooling section on page 221 was co-written by the officers inputting into the Wales Pool.
It was commented that the approach to ESG is referred to as Responsible Investing in the Regulations and that the Sustainability policy needs to be more visible.
Mr Hibbert commented he was very happy with the changes.
That the Committee approved publication of the Fund’s Investment Strategy Statement.