Issue - meetings
054770 - Appeal by Elan Homes Ltd Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for the Erection of 56 No. Dwellings with Associated Access, Open Space and Infrastructure at Kinnerton Lane, Higher Kinnerton - ALLOWED
Meeting: 22/03/2017 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 155)
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for 054770 - Appeal by Elan Homes Ltd Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for the Erection of 56 No. Dwellings with Associated Access, Open Space and Infrastructure at Kinnerton Lane, Higher Kinnerto, item 155
PDF 353 KB
- Webcast for Appeal by Elan Homes Ltd Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for the Erection of 56 No. Dwellings with Associated Access, Open Space and Infrastructure at Kinnerton Lane, Higher Kinnerton - ALLOWED. (054770)
That the decision of the Inspector to allow this appeal be noted.
That the decision of the Inspector to allow this appeal be noted.