Issue - meetings

Appointment of the Leader of the County Council

Meeting: 18/05/2017 - Flintshire County Council (Item 5)

Appointment of the Leader of the County Council

Additional documents:


That Councillor Aaron Shotton be appointed Leader of the Council for the municipal year 2017/18.


It was proposed by Councillor Tony Sharps and seconded by Councillor Ray Hughes that Councillor Aaron Shotton be appointed Leader of the Council for the municipal year 2017/18.


            Councillor Sharps spoke in support of his proposal and said that he was confident that Councillor Shotton would provide the leadership needed for a stable Council in the best interests of the residents of Flintshire.  Whilst supporting Councillor Shotton he added that the Independent Members would remain independent of group control.   


            Councillor Sharps raised a concern on the response time to Councillors by some departments.  The Chief Executive said this had been raised with him and a set of standards that would be required to be met was being created.




That Councillor Aaron Shotton be appointed Leader of the Council for the municipal year 2017/18.