Issue - meetings
Early Intervention Hub and ACEs (adverse childhood experiences)
Meeting: 28/07/2017 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 11)
11 Early Intervention Hub and ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) PDF 125 KB
To update on new multi-agency arrangements for early intervention to address adverse childhood experiences
That the committee supports the development of the EH hub and endorses proposals for a full launch in the autumn of 2017
The Senior Manager Integrated Youth Services introduced a report on new multi-agency arrangements for early intervention to address adverse childhood experiences. She provided background information and outlined the key aim of the Early Help Hub (EH Hub) which was to address key legislative and regulatory requirements and the PSB ambition for better quality, cost effective services that secured good outcomes for all in Flintshire. The Senior Manager Integrated Youth Services advised that the Hub commenced a soft launch on 30 June 2017. The soft launch responds to existing referrals from partner agencies and a full launch will take place in October 2017 following wider information seminars.
During discussion the Senior Manager Integrated Youth Services responded to the questions concerning referrals from Health services, and early intervention strategies.
Members supported the development of the EH Hub and commended all those who were involved in establishing it.
That the committee supports the development of the EH hub and endorses proposals for a full launch in the autumn of 2017