Issue - meetings

Leisure and Libraries Alternative Delivery Model

Meeting: 20/06/2017 - Cabinet (Item 11)

Leisure and Libraries Alternative Delivery Model


As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Roberts introduced the report which provided an update on the Leisure and Libraries Alternative Delivery Model and outlined minor structural changes that were required prior to transfer of services to the new company.




(a)       That the transfer of Flintshire Bibliographic Services (Newnet), currently housed in the Library Service, be transferred to the regional collaborative arrangements in Wrexham;


(b)       That the transfer of operational arrangements for Open Space functions currently in Leisure Services be transferred to Streetscene, Valuations and Estates Services, Planning and Environment Services and Education and Youth Services; and


(c)        That the change in line management of the Arts Development function to the Chief Officer (Organisational Change) from the Principal Librarian be agreed.