Issue - meetings

External Regulation Assurance

Meeting: 12/06/2017 - Audit Committee (Item 7)

7 External Regulation Assurance pdf icon PDF 75 KB

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That the Committee notes how reports by external auditors, other regulators and inspectors have been dealt with during 2016/17.


The Chief Executive provided the summary report to give assurance that reports from external regulators and inspectors in 2016/17 had been subject to consideration by the relevant committees and actions taken in response to recommendations.


The Committee was reminded of the internal protocol in place for all local final reports involving a Cabinet response, challenge by Overview & Scrutiny and giving assurance to the Audit Committee.  The overview of reports in 2016/17 showed a Green status throughout and included some generic recommendations on national reports which applied to all 22 Welsh councils.




That the Committee notes how reports by external auditors, other regulators and inspectors have been dealt with during 2016/17.