Issue - meetings
Council Plan 2017-23
Meeting: 18/07/2017 - Cabinet (Item 18)
18 Council Plan 2017-23 PDF 83 KB
Additional documents:
As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Mullin introduced the Council Plan 2017-23 report and explained that the Plan had been reviewed and refreshed to reflect the key priorities of the Council for the 5 year term of the new administration.
The Chief Executive explained that the structure of the plan remained the same as previous plans and comprised six priorities and relevant sub-priorities. The six priorities took a long term view of projects and ambitions over the next five years.
The Council Plan would be presented as two inter-related documents. Firstly the ‘public’ version of the statements of intent on the six priorities and secondly the document that described the targets and milestones on which achievement would be measured. The targets and milestones in the “How we Measure” document were to be considered by the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committees prior to final agreement by Cabinet in September.
The document would be used by Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committees to monitor progress during the year. The final Council Plan would be available as a web-based document published on the website before the end of September following recommendation for endorsement at County Council.
The Plan had recently been reported to Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee where they requested two additions, which were supported, for recommendation to Cabinet. They were (1) tourism and strengthening the economic strategy and (2) the potential impact of Brexit on the local economy.
That the Improvement Plan 2017-23 be endorsed prior to adoption by the County Council for final publication including two additions at this stage: (1) tourism and strengthening the economic strategy and (2) the potential impact of Brexit on the local economy.