Issue - meetings
Flintshire Early Help Hub
Meeting: 20/07/2017 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 13)
13 Flintshire Early Help Hub PDF 123 KB
To update on new multi-agency arrangements for early intervention to address adverse childhood experiences
(a) That the Committee welcomed the development of the EH Hub and endorsed the proposals; and
(b) That an update on progress be provided to the Committee at a future meeting,
The Senior Manager Children and Workforce introduced a report to update on new multi-agency arrangements for early intervention to address adverse childhood experiences. He provided background information and outlined the key aim of the Early Help Hub (EH Hub) which was to provide the greatest level of knowledge and analysis of intelligence and information across the multiagency partnership to ensure all children, young people, and families had access to advice and information about relevant early support to build coping skills and address any problems before they became entrenched. For families which are at greater risk of escalating problems, access to appropriate multidisciplinary interventions was a priority. The Senior Manager explained that the EH Hub did not replace the high quality early intervention support which already takes place across Flintshire and support from the EH Hub was targeted to families with 2 or more Adverse Childhood Experiences.
The Senior Manager advised that the Hub commenced with a “soft launch” on 30 June 2017 and responds to existing referrals from partner agencies. A full launch will take place during Autumn 2017 following wider information seminars. It was intended that a self-evaluation exercise with external partners will take place in 12 months to assess outcomes.
In response to the questions raised, the Senior Manager explained that the service would be available for all of Flintshire. He also responded to the further questions around support relating to child protection and safeguarding matters.
Members expressed their appreciation to the Senior Manager and his team for the hard work and commitment undertaken to establish the EH Hub.
(a) That the Committee welcomed the development of the EH Hub and endorsed the proposals; and
(b) That an update on progress be provided to the Committee at a future meeting,