Issue - meetings

Care and Social Services Inspectorate (CSSIW) Performance Review of Flintshire County Council Social Services

Meeting: 18/07/2017 - Cabinet (Item 26)

26 Care and Social Services Inspectorate (CSSIW) Performance Review of Flintshire County Council Social Services pdf icon PDF 87 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Jones introduced the report which provided details on the annual letter from Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) for the period April 2016 to March 2017.


                        The letter detailed sustained progress in meeting the requirements of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014, with positive comments on the development of the Information, Advice and Assistance Service and the Early Help Hub.  The focus themes for the year were carers and adult safeguarding; implementation of the new safeguarding thresholds and guidance would continue as a priority into the following year.


                        The Chief Officer (Social Services) added that the letter acknowledged continuing challenges in relation to the implementation of the new safeguarding thresholds and on the strategic partnership working with Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board (BCUHB) which was being taken forward as a strategic priority for the region.




That the report be received.