Issue - meetings

Capital Programme 2016/17 (Outturn)

Meeting: 18/07/2017 - Cabinet (Item 23)

23 Capital Programme 2016/17 (Outturn) pdf icon PDF 148 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


The Corporate Finance Manager introduced the report which summarised changes made to the Capital Programme during the last quarter of 2016/17 which had seen a net increase of £4.848m during that period.


                        The actual outturn was £63.493m.  Resources available for funding future capital expenditure were currently £5.066m - the whole of this sum would be needed to fund capital schemes from 2017/18 onwards.


                        The report provided details on capital expenditure compared to budget; carry forward into 2017/18; additional allocations; savings; financing; and funding of 2016/17 approved schemes.




(a)       That the overall reported be approved; and


(b)       That the carry forward adjustments set out in the report be approved.