Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2017-23

Meeting: 28/07/2017 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)

10 Council Plan 2017-23 pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Additional documents:


That the Committee supports the targets and milestones in the Measures and Milestones document (appendix 2) and the Council (Improvement)Plan 2017-23 and informs the cabinet, prior to adoption by the County Council for final publication.



The Interim Chief Officer (Education and Youth) introduced the report  to consider the targets and milestones document, the Council (Improvement) Plan 2017-23, and provide feedback to Cabinet prior to adoption by the County Council for final publication. 


            The Interim Chief Officer provided background information and reported on the draft Council (Improvement) Plan 2017-23, and proposed “How we Measure” document  which were appended to the report.  She advised that the super-structure of the Plan remained the same as previous plans and comprised of six priorities and relevant sub priorities.  The six priorities took a long term view of the Authority’s projects and ambitions over the next five years. 


            Councillor David Mackie referred to page 49 of the report and expressed concerns around the targets which were set.  In response the Interim Chief Officer explained the target setting methodology and the difficulties experienced by Headteachers in setting targets for performance.  She advised that in general progress year on year was positive and there was an uplift in pupils’ performance following Foundation Phase.  She explained that schools set their own targets and commented on the difficulty to anticipate performance of young children at an early age. 


Councillor Ian Roberts commented that it was a credit to schools that they  achieved above the aspirational targets.


Referring to pages 48 and 49 of the report, Councillor Tudor Jones commented on the need to support teachers who experienced difficult and challenging behaviour in the classroom and said there seemed to be no reference in the Plan to external bodies; citing Barnardo’s and NHS psychological family services as an example.  He also said that the uptake of Free School Meals needed to be encouraged.  In response the Senior Manager (Inclusion and Progression) explained the inclusion plan and support in place for pupils and teachers to work effectively.


Councillor Kevin Hughes asked how the issue of unauthorised absences of pupils from school was addressed.  The Senior Manager (Inclusion and Progression) advised that unauthorised attendance in Flintshire was low, however, there was a high level of authorised absences and a Task and Finish Group had been set up, with headteachers and relevant agencies, to address the issue.  She advised that headteachers could authorise 10 days holiday absence for pupils.




That the Committee supports the targets and milestones in the Measures and Milestones document (appendix 2) and the Council (Improvement)Plan 2017-23 and informs the cabinet, prior to adoption by the County Council for final publication.