Issue - meetings
Workforce Information Report - Quarter 3 2017/18
Meeting: 15/02/2018 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 68)
68 Workforce Information Report – Quarter 3 2017/18 PDF 93 KB
Additional documents:
(a) That the Committee notes the Workforce Information Report for Quarter three 2017/18 to 31 December 2017;
(b) That the Senior Manager, Human Resources & Organisational Development review the figures for future reports; and
(c) That the next report include statistics relating to disability.
The Senior Manager, Human Resources & Organisational Development presented the workforce information report on the third quarter of 2017/18.
Significant changes to the headcount and turnover were mainly due to the transfer of employees to NEWydd Catering & Cleaning and Aura Leisure & Libraries. Attendance in 2017/18 to date showed an improvement from the same period in 2016/17 and outturns for school and non-school employees were similar. Work undertaken since the previous meeting had led to significant improvements in a number of areas including Organisational Change 2, Planning & Environment and Social Services. A detailed update would be reported to the meeting in May. Although cumulative spend on agency workers had exceeded the target, there was a 45% reduction compared to the same period in 2016/17.
Councillor Jones sought clarification on the comparative figures for agency worker spend and non-school turnover from the previous year to which the Senior Manager agreed to provide a response. It was noted that the gender breakdown figures for non-school employees should be interchanged and that the headcount and full-time equivalent graph should be updated to show the full period.
On Equality & Diversity workforce monitoring, Councillor Johnson proposed that information on disabilities be included in future reports. In response to comments, the Senior Manager explained that appraisals provided an opportunity to positively promote career development and she agreed to prepare a report on examples of work.
(a) That the Committee notes the Workforce Information Report for Quarter three 2017/18 to 31 December 2017;
(b) That the Senior Manager, Human Resources & Organisational Development review the figures for future reports; and
(c) That the next report include statistics relating to disability.