Issue - meetings
Young Carers
Meeting: 20/07/2017 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)
Additional documents:
(a) That the service redesign, progress and outcomes be noted;
(b) That the Committee writes to the Senior Manager Safeguarding and
Commissioning, to raise concerns around further funding implications; and
(c) That the Committee requests a progress update on the funding implications and challenges at a future meeting.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced a report to inform of the changes to Young Carers Services and outline the strategy moving forward. He invited Chisty Hoskings, Planning and Development Officer, to present the report.
The Planning and Development Officer provided background information and referred to the contractual agreement with Barnardos Cymru to provide Young Carers Services. She explained that the Authority had worked closely with Barnardos Cymru and young carers to redesign parts of the service to ensure it was aligned to the needs of young carers, the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 and was able to achieve financial saving targets set by the Authority with limited impact to service delivery. The Planning and Development Officer explained that the report provided an overview of the work undertaken and an update on the progress and outcomes achieved.
The Planning and Development Officer reported on the main considerations as detailed in the report and informed that the new service delivery had been designed around the Flintshire five pathways to well-being for Young Carers. She also reported on the service delivery during 2016/17, core outcomes achieved, service challenges, and work going forward for 2017/18.
During discussion Officers responded to Members questions around the Service challenges and commented on the year on year cuts to funding and the subsequent changes in Service provision to achieve best outcomes with reduced resources. The Planning and Development Officer also referred to the work undertaken to raise awareness of young carers and their needs through schools and children’s services, and the collaborative work undertaken with other bodies and the wider community.
(a) That the service redesign, progress and outcomes be noted;
(b) That the Committee writes to the Senior Manager Safeguarding and
Commissioning, to raise concerns around further funding implications; and
(c) That the Committee requests a progress update on the funding implications and challenges at a future meeting.