Issue - meetings
Capital Programme 2017/18 (Outturn)
Meeting: 17/07/2018 - Cabinet (Item 213)
213 Capital Programme 2017/18 (Outturn) PDF 122 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Capital Programme 2017/18 (Outturn), item 213 PDF 58 KB
- Enc. 2 for Capital Programme 2017/18 (Outturn), item 213 PDF 98 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
The Finance Manager presented the Capital Programme 2017/18 (Outturn) report which summarised the changes made to the Capital Programme during the last quarter of 2017/18.
The total Capital Programme at outturn was £59.143m, a net decrease of £0.279m compared to month 9 (£59.422m). The change was made up of the following:
· Increases in the programme of £2.836m (Council Fund £2.159m, Housing Revenue Account £0.677m);
· Offset by Carry Forward to 2018/19 of £1.289m approved by Cabinet at month 9; and
· Offset by Carry Forward to 2018/19 of £1.826m of late Welsh Government (WG) grant funded expenditure.
Actual outturn was £57.380m which indicated an apparent underspend of £1.763m. However, that entire amount was the subject for carry forward into 2018/19.
The outturn position on funding was an overspend of £0.068m against confirmed resources. This was because the Council received late WG grant funding which was used, in part, to replace funding from revenue which created an underspend against revenue budget in 2017/18. The Council would fund an equivalent amount of capital expenditure in 2018/19 from capital receipts.
(a) That the overall report be approved; and
(b) That the carry forward adjustments set out in the report be approved.