Issue - meetings
Update on the Council's Highway Speed Limit Review
Meeting: 19/09/2017 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 27)
27 Update on the Council's Highway Speed Limit Review PDF 89 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Matrix assessment of Local Member speed limit requests, item 27 PDF 165 KB
- Appendix 2 - Dept for Transport Speed Limit Criteria, item 27 PDF 191 KB
(a) That the progress made on the Speed Limit Review and the legal process required to enable the delivery of a single consolidated Order be noted; and
(b) That the outcome of the assessments of Member requests for individual speed limit amendments, which have been considered against the speed limit guidance produced by the DfET, be noted.
The Highway Strategy Manager presented an update report on progress in addressing the historic anomalies within existing speed limit orders together with details of the next stage to enable delivery of a single consolidated Order. An update was included on the outcome of individual Member requests for revised speed limits in their wards with clarification given on the Department of Economy & Transport (DfET) national criteria against which all requests had been considered.
In summarising the key points, the Manager highlighted anticipated timescales for advertising the Order along with the approach to dealing with objections. He stressed the importance of getting the Order right to reduce any risk of legal challenge.
In moving the recommendations, Councillor David Evans asked about timescales for signage and was informed that this would be 4-6 weeks after the advertising period, unless objections were received.
Councillor Owen Thomas questioned the results for roads in his ward and was informed that all local Members had been offered an opportunity to discuss the results with Streetscene Area Co-ordinators. The Chairman suggested that he raise his concerns outside the meeting. The Manager spoke about the work undertaken to produce detailed assessments involving a range of contributory factors and national criteria.
Following a question by Councillor Haydn Bateman, the Manager clarified that the aim of the review was to eliminate inconsistencies and ensure the speed limits were enforceable.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) gave a reminder that the advertisement of the Order would allow opportunities to raise objections.
(a) That the progress made on the Speed Limit Review and the legal process required to enable the delivery of a single consolidated Order be noted; and
(b) That the outcome of the assessments of Member requests for individual speed limit amendments, which have been considered against the speed limit guidance produced by the DfET, be noted.