Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2017 – 23

Meeting: 26/09/2017 - Cabinet (Item 44)

44 Council Plan 2017 – 23 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

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As in the recommendation including: “as amended in light of comments made during the Overview and Scrutiny process and at Cabinet”.


Councillor Shotton introduced the Council Plan 2017-23 which had been reviewed and updated to reflect the key priorities of the Council for the 5 year term of the new administration.


            The Chief Executive added that each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees had discussed the Council Plan and an addendum had been produced which detailed the proposed changes from both Corporate Resources and Organisational Change Overview and Scrutiny Committees, which were felt added value to the Plan.


            Councillor Mullin thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for their involvement and comments on the Plan which was welcomed.


            Councillor Attridge commented on some things in the Plan which relied on Welsh Government (WG) funding, such as Supporting People to prevent homelessness, to enable the targets in the Plan to be met.  Councillor Jones concurred and commented on the reliance on the Integrated Care Fund to help people to remain in their homes.


            Councillor Thomas was pleased that Tourism was included in the Plan which would be strengthened due a current restructure taking place.


            On page 58, Councillor Bithell asked if the Heritage Strategy was county wide and it was confirmed it was.  Following a discussion it was agreed that this would be made clear in the Plan.


            Councillor Roberts praised the work that had been undertaken in Flint Town Centre which had been possible due to funding from a lottery grant. 




That the detailed Council Plan 2017-23 be endorsed prior to adoption by County Council for final publication as amended in light of comments made during the Overview and Scrutiny process.