Issue - meetings

Corporate Safeguarding Policy

Meeting: 24/10/2017 - Cabinet (Item 67)

67 Corporate Safeguarding Policy pdf icon PDF 89 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Jones introduced the Corporate Safeguarding Policy report which outlined the work being undertaken to ensure that the Council fulfilled its safeguarding responsibilities, identified areas for improvement and presented the Corporate Safeguarding Policy for approval prior to publication.


            The Corporate Safeguarding Policy provided a framework to safeguard and protect children and adults, with the Policy describing roles and responsibilities expected of every employee and elected Members, volunteers and contractors.  It included information on the types of abuse, recognising abuse and how to report any concerns.


            The Chief Officer (Social Services) said the development of the Policy had been a positive process which had involved training being provided by AFTA Thought which was attended by approximately 300 employees.  To support the implementation of the Policy a summary document and a set of Frequently Asked Questions would be published and made available to employees. Two e-learning programmes for safeguarding children and adults were also available.  Presentations on safeguarding would be made to Overview and Scrutiny Committees in the coming months to raise the awareness of Members.


            The implementation of the Policy would be measured through a number of performance indicators which were detailed in the report.




(a)       That Cabinet be assured that work is being undertaken to improve corporate arrangements for safeguarding children and adults; and


(b)       That the Corporate Safeguarding Policy be approved for publication and implementation.