Issue - meetings

Care Sector update to include top up fees and Invest to Save Care Sector Support

Meeting: 05/10/2017 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 23)

23 Care Sector update to include top up fees and Invest to Save Care Sector Support pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


(a)          That the Committee accepts the report and recognise the immediate and longer-term challenges faced in Flintshire;


(b)          That the Committee supports the short, medium and long-term initiatives to support the care sector in Flintshire;


(c)          That the Committee supports the need for national reform in the funding of the social care sector in Wales, and endorses the position to continue to engage with Welsh Government to develop solutions as a matter of urgency; and


(d)          That the Facilitator prepare a letter to be signed by the Chair on behalf of the Committee to make representations to  Assembly Members for a fairer contribution from the Welsh NHS towards care costs.


The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced a report on changes taking place within the care sector in Wales and England, and the challenges faced by the Council including the increase in third party top-up fees charged by independent sector providers.  The report conveyed the importance of working with partners and influencing Welsh Government (WG) to identify solutions to stabilise the fragile care sector.


The Senior Manager (Safeguarding and Commissioning) provided background to the increase in third party top-up fees arising from a range of financial pressures for the independent care home sector.  Whilst the three Council-owned care homes did not charge top-up fees, it was estimated that the majority of independent care home providers in Flintshire were applying a weekly charge of between £16.50-£60.  A number of short, medium and longer term objectives had been identified to develop solutions and maximise funding opportunities to support the care sector.  The findings of a review of the sustainability of 18 of the county’s independent care homes was also shared.


Councillor Hilary McGuill asked about the contribution by the Welsh NHS towards individual care costs and was told this was a pre-agreed rate of £147.50.  She proposed that the Committee make written representations to the Assembly Members to which the Chair agreed.


Following questions from Councillors Ian Smith and Gladys Healey, the Senior Manager detailed the application process for cases where families demonstrating they were unable to meet care costs could seek support from the Council.


The Chair referred to the predicted rise in the shortfall of residential elderly mentally infirm (EMI) beds and asked how many individuals were currently on the waiting list including those out of county, and how many people were waiting for residential care placements.  The Senior Manager (Integrated Services, Lead Adults) explained that this data changed daily and that a weekly bed mapping exercise helped to capture information at that point in time.  As of the day before, capacity was available in all care categories (around 3-4 placements for each) but with no flexibility on preferred location.




(a)          That the Committee accepts the report and recognise the immediate and longer-term challenges faced in Flintshire;


(b)          That the Committee supports the short, medium and long-term initiatives to support the care sector in Flintshire;


(c)          That the Committee supports the need for national reform in the funding of the social care sector in Wales, and endorses the position to continue to engage with Welsh Government to develop solutions as a matter of urgency; and


(d)          That the Facilitator prepare a letter to be signed by the Chair on behalf of the Committee to make representations to  Assembly Members for a fairer contribution from the Welsh NHS towards care costs.