Issue - meetings

Income Generation Policy

Meeting: 24/10/2017 - Cabinet (Item 69)

69 Income Generation Policy pdf icon PDF 93 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Mullin introduced the Income Generation Policy report which proposed a number of key objectives and principles to assist in the setting of appropriate and benchmarked fees and charges, together with the mechanism for regular reviews and monitoring.


            The Chief Officer (Organisational Change) explained that there had been a longstanding requirement to develop a Policy which brought together all fees and charges in one place, as well as reviewing their methods of calculation and application.   A number of key objectives and key principles were set out in the report for consideration.


            It was suggested that monitoring fees and charges should be undertaken through the Council’s Programme Boards.  The adoption of the Policy would provide the strategic framework and consistency to address fees and charging issues within the Council.  On adoption, fees and charges would be increased.  There may be cases where, due to the significant gap between the charge and full cost recovery, there would need to be an incremental approach taken so that full cost recovery was achieved over a longer time period.


            A recurring income target of £500,000 had been set but was not being achieved.  The ability to achieve the target would remain the position if a more rigorous and challenging approach was not adopted.




            That the Income Policy be noted and approved.