Issue - meetings
Burial Strategy and Bereavement Services
Meeting: 17/10/2017 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 35)
35 Burial Strategy and Bereavement Services PDF 120 KB
Additional documents:
(a) That the Committee recommends that the Cabinet approves the changes to the current inspection and management arrangement for memorials within Council owned cemeteries;
(b) That the Committee recommends that the Cabinet approves plans to investigate partnership agreements with local communities to deliver grounds maintenance for cemeteries and closed churchyards;
(c) That the Committee recommends that the Cabinet approves the new arrangements for house searches, in respect of Public Health burials;
(d) That the current capacity within the Council owned cemeteries be noted; and
(e) That the committee recommends that the Cabinet approves the adoption of the Memorandum of Understanding being developed by Welsh Government to standardise Child Burial Fees across Wales.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) introduced the report to provide information on the activities of the Bereavement Services Team within Streetscene and Transportation and proposals to extend the service for residents. He provided background information and advised that there were a number of challenges and risks facing the service which needed to be addressed and the report detailed these and the proposals to deal with them.
The Chief Officer reported on the main considerations, as detailed in the report, around the memorial safety policy, grounds maintenance, public health burials, burial space, and child burial fees. The Chief Officer advised that grounds maintenance was one of the largest costs incurred by the service and, referring to ways in which the Council could reduce costs in the future, it was proposed that the Service look to develop a policy of working with Town and Community Councils and local communities by establishing local volunteer groups to undertake maintenance works within the cemeteries. Councillor Paul Shotton spoke in support of this suggestion as a way forward. Councillor Owen Thomas asked if consideration had been given to spraying grass to slow down growth within cemeteries. The Chief Officer agreed to make further enquiries into this.
Councillor David Evans asked if consideration had been given to establishing a new cemetery as opposed to extending the existing sites. The Chief Officer advised that all options were being considered and the Council’s Asset Team were looking at potential sites.
(a) That the Committee recommends that the Cabinet approves the changes to the current inspection and management arrangement for memorials within Council owned cemeteries;
(b) That the Committee recommends that the Cabinet approves plans to investigate partnership agreements with local communities to deliver grounds maintenance for cemeteries and closed churchyards;
(c) That the Committee recommends that the Cabinet approves the new arrangements for house searches, in respect of Public Health burials;
(d) That the current capacity within the Council owned cemeteries be noted; and
(e) That the committee recommends that the Cabinet approves the adoption of the Memorandum of Understanding being developed by Welsh Government to standardise Child Burial Fees across Wales.