Issue - meetings

Potholes and Resurfacing Programmes

Meeting: 17/10/2017 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 36)

36 Potholes and Resurfacing Programmes pdf icon PDF 126 KB


That the report be noted. 



The Highways Network Manager introduced a report to provide an update on the processes used to identify resurfacing programmes and the preferred methods of repairing and maintaining the highway network.  He advised that the report outlined the approach to detect identification, including the inspection regime and the intervention levels operated by the Council.  The report also provided details on capital expenditure and investment levels on the various highway assets, the preferred treatment option for carriageways such as patching, surface dressing or resurfacing and the cost benefit of temporary pothole repairs.


In response to the concerns raised by Councillor Chris Dolphin around the condition of some roads, the Highways Network Manager advised that regular safety inspections took place and any defects were noted and the necessary repair work arranged.  Defects which required urgent attention were corrected or made safe at the time of the inspection.  Defects which did not represent an immediate hazard or risk were programmed for repair within the times defined within the policy as set out in the report.  The Highways Network Manager  acknowledged the concerns raised by Councillor Dolphin and agreed to meet him following the meeting to discuss the specific problems within his Ward concerning road maintenance and street lighting.  The Highways Network Manager advised that the Council reviewed its inspection policy every 2 years and a revised ‘Policy for Highway and Car Park Safety Inspections, Intervention Criteria and Response Times’ would be submitted to Cabinet for approval by July 2018.


In response to the comments and suggestions by Members regarding the need to explore the use of alternative types of materials for road surface dressings, the Chief Officer said a number of alternative products had been used in the past and he would continue to make enquiries on the suggestions put forward and report back his findings to a future meeting of the Committee.


During discussion it was agreed that Members would be provided with information on when highway safety inspections were undertaken in their Wards and feedback on the condition scores would be provided.  




That the report be noted.