Issue - meetings

Domestic Energy Efficiency Programme

Meeting: 16/10/2017 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 23)

23 Domestic Energy Efficiency Programme pdf icon PDF 106 KB


That the Committee support the domestic energy efficiency programmes delivered in Flintshire.


The Enterprise & Regeneration Manager introduced the report and gave an overview on the following:-


·         The Domestic Energy Efficiency Programmes which had been delivered in Flintshire over recent years to households in both the Council stock and private sector;

·         The total of 4325 households who had received support in the last five years; and

·         An outline on the measures which would save households money in the future and also would save over 123,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.


            There was limited Welsh Government (WG) funding for domestic energy efficiency programmes to private sector homes currently available and the future of energy funding was unclear.


            The main programmes of work which were outlined in the report, included:-


·         Solar photo-voltaic panels

·         External wall information

·         Gas infill Schemes

·         Off-gas pilot project

·         Affordable Warmth Crisis Fund and Healthy Homes Healthy People and

·         Energy Advice and Community Engagement through the North Wales Energy Advice Centre


            Councillor Paul Shotton welcomed the loft insulation and solar panel initiatives which would provide savings for residents and asked if there were any other energy saving innovations being considered for the future.  The Enterprise & Regeneration Manager reported that efficiency tariffs and social tariffs were currently being looked at.


Councillor George Hardcastle also agreed with Councillor Shotton’s comments and asked if the solar programme was purely for bungalows.   He also asked how much it cost to install these and what would happen if the resident did not want them installed.


            In response, the Enterprise & Regeneration Manager reported that these panels were not solely for use on Bungalows but the programme had been designed to provide maximum benefit to tenants.   The cost of installation was between £3,500 and £4,000 for a full set of panels.  If a resident refused to have solar panels installed then the installation would not proceed.  But in future if a new resident at the property wanted to have them installed this would be added to the potential programme for that year and if possible they would be installed.




That the Committee support the domestic energy efficiency programmes delivered in Flintshire.