Issue - meetings
Adoption of Zone 3 Deeside Industrial Park
Meeting: 24/10/2017 - Cabinet (Item 71)
71 Adoption of Zone 3 Deeside Industrial Park PDF 89 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Thomas introduced the Adoption of Zone 3 Deeside Industrial Park report.
She explained that the roads around Deeside Industrial Park (DIP) were un-adopted but over the past 6 months land issues had been resolved and the Council was in a position to adopt the roads and footways. On adoption, Welsh Government (WG) had committed to provide the Council with a commuted sum which was the equivalent to the cost of reconstructing some of the carriageways and footways in the area. The report recommended reallocating the funding in a more constructive manner in order to upgrade the footpaths to provide a dedicated cycle network around Zone 3 which was in line with the Council’s aspiration to improve Active Travel Links throughout the DIP. The proposal was also aligned with the aspirations of the Deeside Plan and the wider vision for a North East Wales integrated transport “Metro” concept.
There were significant parking issues within Zone 3, which had created access problems and incidents of antisocial behaviour which were associated with the drivers of heavy goods vehicles who parked their vehicles on some of the roads overnight. The proposals in the report would help provide a solution to both of those issues.
Councillor Jones welcomed the report and the cycleway as there was currently a significant stretch of the cycle network that was missing through the Zone. She expressed concern on the overnight parking problems at Zone 3 which could only be resolved by the provision of a lorry park. Councillor Attridge concurred with the views on the overnight parking problems and said WG needed to understand that the problem would move elsewhere until a lorry park was provided.
(a) That Section 228 of the Highways Act be approved to be used as a mechanism to adopt the highways within Zone 3 of Deeside Industrial Park; and
(b) That the reallocation of the commuted sum funding which is being proposed by Welsh Government (WG) be approved to improve the footways to provide a fully integrated cycle network serving each business located within Zone 3.