Issue - meetings

Strategic Review of the Care Sector

Meeting: 24/10/2017 - Cabinet (Item 68)

68 Strategic Review of the Care Sector pdf icon PDF 94 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Jones introduced the Strategic Review of the Care Sector report.  In order to support the local sector, Flintshire County Council had funded a 12 month post to look at the key factors that were influencing the fragility of the care sector in Flintshire. 


A programme plan had been developed to address key priority areas of the work and the project would support the evidential case being made in Flintshire on the fragility of the sector, helping to address some of the pressing issues providers and commissioners were raising.  The report would be shared with Welsh Government (WG) to support the case for more investment in the social care sector, would be published on the Council’s website and shared with partners.


The report, which set out the need for increased funding, workforce improvements and recognition of the full needs of the sector, would inform the evidence base for national case-making.


The Chief Officer (Social Services) thanked Cabinet Members for supporting the piece of work on the development of a business case and the recommendations moving forward.


In response to a question from Councillor Attridge, the Chief Officer (Social Services) explained that all partners supported the work that had been undertaken and the responsibilities were joint between Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board and the Council.


The Chief Executive welcomed the report which was evidence based and forecasted future demand.  He said it would help to support the next stage of lobbying to UK and Welsh Governments as it demonstrated the fragility of the care sector.


In response to a question from Councillor Bithell, the Planning and Development Officer explained that the report covered the potential implications on how Brexit could affect the care sector.


Councillor Shotton welcomed the report which evidenced what interventions were needed in the care sector and the importance of developing a workforce that could be retained.  He said Flintshire County Council stood in defence of services such as care homes.  The Chief Executive added that if the Council removed the provision of the three care homes in the County, the authority would still have a duty to provide places but there was no supply from external providers.  The Chief Officer (Social Services) said any alternatives to the Council’s own care homes would be more expensive.




(a)       That the report be received;


(b)       That the report be published; and


(c)        That the approach to Welsh Government (WG) be approved for them to respond to the needs of the care sector.