Issue - meetings

Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 2018-19

Meeting: 15/01/2018 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 45)

45 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 2018-19 pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That having considered the report, the Committee supports the HRA budget for 2018/19 and Business Plan as set out in the appendices;


(b)       That the Committee supports the recommendations of the Cabinet Member and Council Leader on setting a rent increase of 3% (plus up to or minus £2), with target rents applied for new tenancies, as a more affordable increase than the Welsh Government Rent Policy formula which would set an increase of 4.5% (plus up to or minus £2);


(c)       That the Committee supports a garage rent increase of £1 per week and a garage plot rent increase of £0.20 per week; and


(d)       That the Committee supports the proposed HRA Capital Programme for 2018/19 as set out in Appendix D.


The Committee received a report to consider the draft Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget for 2018/19 and the HRA 30 year Business Plan.


The Housing Asset Manager and Accountant gave a presentation covering the following:


·         2017/18 Achievements

o   Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS)

o   Council house delivery

·         30 year business plan

·         2018/19 budget

o   Income

o   Efficiencies

o   WHQS programme

·         HRA future activity


As part of the presentation, photographs were shown which demonstrated the achievements on internal works, envelope and environmental works within the WHQS programme.


Councillor Shotton welcomed progress on WHQS and commended the Council’s prompt response in reassuring tenants of the county’s three high-rise flats, following the incident at Grenfell Tower.  The buildings in Flint were three of only seven in Wales where internal sprinkler systems were already installed and the Council’s safety inspection regimes had met standards of the North Wales Fire & Rescue Authority.


Councillor Dolphin spoke about the need to incorporate adequate parking in new developments to meet the needs of residents with more than one vehicle.  Officers explained that as part of the environmental programme, sites such as unused garage plots were being identified to convert to parking spaces.  In response to further questions, wet room installations mainly applied to sheltered accommodation however there was flexibility built into the programme to make provision for future adaptations to support lifetime tenancies.  The Housing Asset Manager agreed to inform local Members of ‘walkabout’ assessments in their wards to enable them to participate, should they wish.


During discussion on rents, Councillor Dolphin said it was important for tenants to be made aware of payment options.  It was explained that target rents applied to 17% of the Council’s tenants and that the proposal by the Cabinet Member and Leader of the Council to limit the rent increase to that of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) was due to concerns about affordability in the current climate.  The Council would not incur any sanctions on implementing a lower increase than that recommended by Government rent policy.


Members were advised that the requested programme of planned works for each ward would now be progressed by Sean O’Donnell, following the recent departure of the Capital Works Team Manager.


Councillor Hardcastle praised the improvements in the Housing service over recent years.  In response to queries, officers explained the approach to revisiting properties where work was incomplete due to tenant refusals or no access.  On service charges for laundry services, officers would engage with tenants in accommodation with low demand for services to determine the right outcome.  The Accountant agreed to respond separately to provide the number of tenants taken to court for non-payment of rent.


Following questions by Councillor Palmer, the Housing Asset Manager explained that WHQS works were informed by the stock condition surveys which would be revisited towards the end of the programme.  Councillor Palmer thanked officers for their help in tackling local anti-social behaviour issues.


On additional parking provision, Councillor Wisinger asked about the number of garage sites where rent was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45