Issue - meetings

Welsh Public Library Standards: Review of Performance 2016/17

Meeting: 27/11/2017 - Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 29)

29 Welsh Public Library Standards: Review of Performance 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 93 KB

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That the Committee welcome that performance had been maintained and the progress of delivery against the Welsh Public Library Standards.


The Chief Officer (Organisational Change) presented a report on the review of Flintshire’s performance of the library service in 2016/17 against the against the Welsh Public Library Standards (WPLS).


Kate Leonard, the Libraries Development Manager, provided an overview of performance which had improved from the previous year.  She summarised achievements on the Core Entitlements and Quality Indicators, providing explanation on those which had not been met in full, as detailed in the report.  There had been a continued focus on improving performance and the filling of vacant posts would have a positive impact on the following year.  The Annual Assessment Report noted the achievements of the service in maintaining performance during the period of change but also the importance of ongoing investment.  The Manager advised that the prospect of further reductions would present a risk in the operation and resilience of the service.


Councillor Dunbar commended the success of the Deeside library and Wi-Fi provision across libraries.


In response to questions, it was explained that two new library managers had been recruited and that the team restructure earlier in the year had created a new tier to support career progression.  On the future direction of the service, it was clarified that the continuation of the 10% reduction in overall funding from the Council was part of the existing business plan.


When asked by Councillor Gay about the future of the mobile library service, the Manager advised that a new vehicle would shortly be in use.  Members were encouraged to contact the library manager if they had any specific requirements for the mobile library service.


The Chairman proposed that the Committee welcome that performance had been maintained and the progress of delivery against the WPLS.




That the Committee welcome that performance had been maintained and the progress of delivery against the Welsh Public Library Standards.