Issue - meetings

Flintshire Local Voluntary Council

Meeting: 10/05/2018 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

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Additional documents:


(a)       That the social care activities  that are being delivered within the third sector in Flintshire be noted; and

(b)       That the Third Sector’s valuable contribution in providing support and services to the Social Care Sector be recognised.



The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced a report on the annual review of the social care activity undertaken by the Third Sector in Flintshire.  He advised that the report detailed some recent work carried out in reviewing services commissioned through the Third Sector and provided an overview of the range and breadth of services supported by the Council.  The report also detailed the approach taken to co-produce new and innovative services including the disability service which was to be procured in the next couple of months and the learning disability day and work opportunities services. 


            The Chief Officer referred to the main considerations as detailed in the report and advised that Flintshire had a thriving voluntary/third sector which provided support and services to Flintshire residents.  The implementation of the Social Services and Well-being Act (Wales) 2014 had seen further development of services to ensure duties within the Act were met. 


The Chief Officer advised that Flintshire Local Voluntary Council (FLVC) was the umbrella and support organisation for over 1200 voluntary and community groups based in Flintshire and was involved in a range of local and regional partnerships.  He introduced Ann Woods, Chief Officer, FLVC, and invited her to give an overview of the support the FLVC provided to the Council on projects and developments.


Mrs. Woods advised that the FLVC continued to work in partnership with Statutory and Third Sector colleagues to promote, support, and develop multi-agency approaches to Public Service delivery.  She distributed a paper which provided some examples of the collaborative Health and Social care initiatives that the Council and FLVC were working on.  


In response to a query from Councillor Cindy Hinds, Mrs. Woods advised that the role of the Health and Social Care Facilitator was to link with the local community and link individuals with services. 


Councillor Hilary McGuill asked if electronic signposting to services could be provided via an APP linked to the Flintshire website.  The Chief Officer (Social Services)  agreed this was something that could be considered.  The Chief Officer (FLVC) advised that the Family Information Service and the DEWIS website were both useful signposting initiatives. 


Councillor Kevin Hughes referred paragraph 1.10 of the report concerning the Council’s intention to establish a process of coproduction for service development and asked if moving to a tendering process would result in a loss of services.   The Commissioning Managerexplained that there would be no loss of services, however, there may be a change in how disability services were provided. 


Councillor Hughes also  commented on funding for carer services and asked if there was any assurance that the funding provided by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) would continue.  The Chief Officer (Social Services) advised that although he could not give any long term assurance regarding funding, there was no further reductions proposed  to funding from the Authority.   The Senior Manager Safeguarding and Commissioning confirmed that funding from BCUHB would continue for a further 18 months.


Councillor Kevin Hughes referred to paragraph 1.12 of the report concerning  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5