Issue - meetings

Mid Year Risk Report

Meeting: 24/01/2018 - Audit Committee (Item 46)

46 Mid Year Risk Report pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the status of the initial overview of the strategic risks of the 2017/18 priorities of the Council be noted;


(b)       That the outcomes of the recent Internal Audit review of the Council’s risk management arrangements and the Council’s management response be noted, in accordance with the action plan and follow-up Audit report; and


(c)       That the Risk Management Policy and Strategy be brought to the next meeting to give assurance that this has been fully updated.


The Chief Executive presented an update on the strategic risks contained within the Council’s 2017/18 Council Plan and an overview of the recent Risk Management review carried out by Internal Audit.


It was reported that most of the 48 risks had been assessed as moderate and that the 11 red risks mainly related to the continuing financial position of the Council which could not be fully mitigated.  There were concerns at the potential for some red risks to escalate to black (severe) which was unprecedented.


On the timing of the update, the Corporate Business & Communications Executive Officer advised that the position was subject to change when reporting the Quarter 3 position the following month.  She also explained that future reports would include more detail on trends.


The Internal Audit Manager said that the remit of this year’s review had changed to focus on the identification, management and reporting of operational risks which had been given an overall assurance level of ‘reasonable’.  There were a number of areas where risk was being well managed and progress was being made on the four areas identified for further improvement.


Councillor Woolley asked if the Welsh Government (WG) had responded to communications about the risk on meeting increased demand for residential and nursing home care.  The Chief Executive said that recent rises in occupancy rates had demonstrated the lack of capacity.  Representations by the Council on the continued retention of the £0.500m Intermediate Care Fund had been well made and a formal decision was awaited.  On the Risk Management Policy and Strategy, it was explained that an update would be undertaken and brought to the next meeting for consideration.


In response to questions from Sally Ellis and Councillor Johnson, the Chief Executive advised that work was underway with Chief Officers to ensure that actions were taken on the areas for improvement to strengthen processes.


Some minor changes were agreed to the report’s recommendations to reflect the points raised.




(a)       That the status of the initial overview of the strategic risks of the 2017/18 priorities of the Council be noted;


(b)       That the outcomes of the recent Internal Audit review of the Council’s risk management arrangements and the Council’s management response be noted, in accordance with the action plan and follow-up Audit report; and


(c)       That the Risk Management Policy and Strategy be brought to the next meeting to give assurance that this has been fully updated.