Issue - meetings

Urban Tree and Woodland Plan

Meeting: 16/01/2018 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 58)

58 Urban Tree and Woodland Strategy pdf icon PDF 102 KB

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That the vision, objectives and actions as set out in the Urban Tree and Woodland Strategy be approved



            Councillor Carolyn Thomas introduced the report to advise of the objectives and actions set out in the Urban Tree and Woodland Plan and invited the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) to present the report. 


            The Chief Officer  provided background information and advised that the Urban Tree and Woodland Strategy provides a method for managing trees and woodlands more sustainably to meet the Welsh Government’s and Council’s aspirations. 


            The Strategy examined the opportunities for tree planting, how this will be done, and provides a best practice approach to the management of existing trees.  Members were asked to consider the vision, objectives and actions as set out in the Strategy which was appended to the report.


            In response to the questions and comments raised the Access and Natural Environment Manager, explained that engagement will take place with local communities regarding the location of tree planting and also to involve the community in the process of planting the trees.


            Councillor Veronica Gay welcomed the report and spoke in support of the involvement of local communities which she said would nurture protection for urban trees and local woodland in the future and deter vandalism.


            Councillor Owen Thomas expressed concerns around poor visibility on some highways due to tree planting and asked if this could be looked at.


            Councillor Ian Dunbar also commented on the issue of vandalism to trees and asked if there was any form of protection in place.  He also asked who was responsible for the future maintenance of tree planting. 


            The Access and Natural Environment Manager responded to the concerns and questions raised regarding the safeguarding of trees and said that the planting of the “right tree” in the “right location” was a crucial consideration.  He also said that the direct involvement of children in the planting of trees developed a respect for the importance and protection of trees and woodland in the future.  Referring to the maintenance of trees the Access and Natural Environment Manager explained that most of the areas where tree planting occurred were under the control of the Authority and said the cost of maintenance was not expensive in the long term.  He advised that the Strategy considered how to build resilience into tree stock for the future with a view to providing a variety of different species across the County.


            Councillor Paul Shotton commented on the health benefit of reduced air pollution which was provided through tree planting.  He referred to the ‘Our Backyard’ scheme which had been accessed by Connah’s Quay Town Council which was proving to be of benefit. 



That the vision, objectives and actions as set out in the Urban Tree and Woodland Strategy be approved