Issue - meetings
Flintshire Street Markets Review
Meeting: 20/03/2018 - Cabinet (Item 146)
146 Flintshire Street Markets Review PDF 101 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Butler introduced the Flintshire Street Markets Review report which summarised the outcomes of a recent review on the smaller street markets in Flintshire and recommended next steps.
The findings and conclusions of the review were outlined in the report, with proposals to close Flint street market, transfer the operation of the Connah’s Quay street market to the Town Council and continue the operation of the Holywell street market on an interim basis whilst discussions with Holywell Town Council continued on future cost saving options.
Councillor Butler explained that across the United Kingdom street markets had declined in scale and vitality which was due to competition from large multi-national retail chains, supermarkets and on-line shopping.
The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) added that the majority of the costs of operating street markets were staffing costs. Outlined in the report was the income generated by each market compared to its running costs during 2016/17. If approved, the operating deficit for markets would reduce by £21,000 each year.
Councillor Bithell commented on Mold street market which continued to contribute to the economic and social vitality of the town, however it was facing some strains. He stressed the importance of protecting the remaining markets. He asked, if there was a change to the pedestrianised area in Holywell, where the market would then be. The Chief Officer responded that it would be in Tower Gardens. In response to a question from Councillor Shotton, she confirmed that any future proposed changes to Holywell street market would be reported to Cabinet.
Councillor Shotton welcomed the decision of Connah’s Quay Town Council to take on the operation of the street market.
(a) That Cabinet support the closure of Flint street market;
(b) That the operation of the Connah’s Quay street market be transferred to Connah’s Quay Town Council, subject to confirmation from the Town Council and agreement of terms; and
(c) That the operation of the Holywell street market continue on an interim basis, and discussions with Holywell Town Council continue on future cost saving options.