Issue - meetings

North Wales Population Assessment Regional Plan

Meeting: 25/01/2018 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 43)

43 North Wales Population Assessment Regional Plan pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Committee recommends approval of the draft North Wales Population Assessment Regional Plan; and


(b)       That the Committee meets the challenges of delivering services in the current financial climate



The Chief Officer (Social Services)  introduced the report to review and approve the draft North Wales Population Assessment Regional Plan.  He provided background information and advised that local authorities and Health Boards were required to produce a joint area plan in response to the population assessment by 1 April 2018. 


The Chief Officer reported on the main considerations as detailed in the report concerning the regional priorities, response to population assessment chapters and core themes, and the overall findings.  He gave a presentation on the North Wales Regional Plan which covered the following key areas:


·         Children and young people

·         Older people

·         health, physical disability and sensory impairments

·         learning disabilities

·         Mental health and substance misuse

·         Carers

·         violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence

·         secure estate

·         Veterans

·         housing and homelessness

·         Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 


The Chair thanked the Chief Officer for his presentation and invited



            Councillor Hilary McGuill asked what support was available for families who found themselves in a crisis situation because they were caring for an  older relative who was suffering with dementia and was neither in hospital or a nursing home.  She also referred to ASD and the need for early intervention and asked at what age children could be medicated..  The Chief Officer advised that a medical assessment was undertaken on the individual and but there was no specific age when this was carried out.


The Chief Officer explained that the Authority proactively supported people with dementia and referred to the respite provision and domiciliary care support services provided  to help families to cope.  The Senior Manager – Integrated Services and Lead Adults advised that the Authority also funded the North East Wales Carers Information Service which provided Crisis Careline Information  for carers and referred to the ‘bridging the gap’ scheme.  


Councillor Carol Ellis commented on the developing issue of homelessness and commented on the shortage of suitable accommodation, the impact this had on the behaviour of children, and the mental health of parents.


In response to a concern raised by Councillor Kevin Hughes regarding an increase on the number of children on the Child Protection Register, the Chief Officer explained that the 9% increase referred to in the report was regional and that there was a national increase in Wales.  The Senior Manager, Children and Workforce,  advised that the increase was due in part to a greater awareness amongst agencies around safeguarding and child protection issues and to early intervention.  He also referred to a project which was about to commence to support mothers who had repeat pregnancies and were unable to care for their children. 


Councillor Kevin Hughes commented on the issue of online bullying and the need to inform and work closely with schools to support pupils.  He also referred to the need to work with schools to promote healthy living and address the issue of obesity.  Councillor Christine Jones and the Chief Officer gave an assurance  that both  matters were addressed within the Authority’s Safeguarding policy.  The Senior Manager – Integrated  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43