Issue - meetings

Changes to statutory deadlines for the publication of Local Authority Statement of Accounts

Meeting: 24/01/2018 - Audit Committee (Item 45)

45 Changes to statutory deadlines for the publication of Local Authority Statement of Accounts pdf icon PDF 99 KB


That the report and changes to the September meetings of the Audit Committee and Council to approve the Statement of Accounts, as explained in paragraph 1.08, be noted.


The Corporate Finance Manager presented the report detailing preparations by the Council and Wales Audit Office (WAO) to meet the first stage of earlier deadlines proposed by Welsh Government (WG) which applied to the publication of local authority accounts in Wales.


The earlier deadlines for 2018/19 onwards presented significant challenges for all councils and auditors, and would benefit from early planning.  It was therefore recommended that the timetable for approval of the 2017/18 accounts be brought forward to week commencing 10 September 2018.  To assist with this approach, a number of changes had been made to working practices and regular meetings held with WAO colleagues.


It was explained by the Chief Executive that whilst approval of the final accounts was a Council function in Flintshire, future consideration could be given to adopting the approach taken by many other councils to delegate this responsibility to the Audit Committee.  If this was to be pursued, a report would need to be submitted to the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee.


Councillor Woolley spoke in support of the proposed approach for the 2017/18 accounts but had concerns about the impact on officer time.  The Chief Executive said that the same work would be undertaken within a condensed period and that the impact on performance on other tasks would need to be monitored.  Internal and external options were being explored to identify additional resources in light of the forthcoming absence of the Finance Manager - Technical Accountancy, and this was viewed as an operational risk.


Councillor Johnson raised concerns about the democratic implications arising from the timetable of the next Council term in which the newly formed Audit Committee would need to meet its statutory responsibilities on the accounts.  The Chief Executive said that early appointment of the Committee’s new membership could be prioritised post-election and that a variation could be made to the accounts timetable at that time to allow some flexibility as required.


The Finance Manager clarified that the regulations on earlier deadlines had not yet been approved by WG and she referred to the nature of the Statement of Accounts as a retrospective document within a prescribed format.




That the report and changes to the September meetings of the Audit Committee and Council to approve the Statement of Accounts, as explained in paragraph 1.08, be noted.