Issue - meetings
Quarter 3 Council Plan 2017/18 Monitoring Report
Meeting: 13/03/2018 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 64)
64 Quarter 3 Council Plan 2017/18 Monitoring Report PDF 116 KB
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That the Quarter 3 Council Plan 2017/18 Quarter 3 monitoring report to monitor under performance be noted.
The Chief Officers (Planning & Environment) and (Streetscene & Transportation) presented the monitoring report on Quarter 3 of the Council Plan 2017/18 for the ‘Green Council’ priority which was relevant to the Committee. Members’ attention was drawn to areas such as the identification of the Local Development Plan preferred strategy and options for improving recycling performance at household recycling sites.
In response to comments from Councillor Shotton, the Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) advised that discussions were taking place on the possible use of recycled plastics mixed with bitumen that could be applied to surfaces on some roads, however this method was not yet proven. Flintshire’s £1.427m allocation of Welsh Government funding for road maintenance schemes together with the Council’s capital allocation would need to be carefully allocated to provide maximum benefits. All roads had been surveyed to develop a programme which would be shared with the Committee.
Following comments from Councillor Evans, it was explained that road and weather conditions determined whether it was cost-effective for pothole repairs to be sealed.
Councillor Gay reported a number of issues in her ward including fly-tipping at the household recycling centre in Saltney and the loss of bus services at Boundary Lane. The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) said that options for community transport arrangements would be shared at the forthcoming workshop and he urged Members to report road surface problems to the respective area supervisor.
Councillor Hinds asked if more could be done to publicise bus timetables where service changes had occurred. The Transportation & Logistics Manager said that the team were working with Town and Community Councils to help raise awareness amongst residents. She went on to respond to a question from Councillor Bateman on the disposal of buses following the liquidation of GHA Coaches and advised that funding was being invested back into transport arrangements.
During discussion on staffing arrangements, the Chief Officer (Planning & Environment) reported that Derrick Charlton was now the lead officer on public footpaths and that a joint approach to the Local Access Forum was being explored with Wrexham.
That the Quarter 3 Council Plan 2017/18 Quarter 3 monitoring report to monitor under performance be noted.