Issue - meetings
Alternative Delivery Models Update (Social Care - Learning Disability Day Care and Work Opportunities)
Meeting: 29/01/2018 - Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 43)
Alternative Delivery Models Update (Social Care - Learning Disability Day Care and Work Opportunities)
To provide an update on the progress of establishing an Alternative Delivery Model for Learning Disability Day Care and Work Opportunities.
(a) That the Committee notes the Council’s wishes to continue to support the service and recognises the efforts made by staff; and
(b) That the Committee notes progress made to date, and supports progress made in the implementation of the Alternative Delivery Model for Social Care - Learning Disability Day Care and Work Opportunities.
The Chief Officer (Organisational Change 1) introduced an update report on progress in establishing an Alternative Delivery Model (ADM) for Learning Disability Day Care and Work Opportunities.
The Senior Manager - Integrated Services and Lead Adults gave a reminder that the aim of the ADM was to establish a sustainable service by commissioning an experienced provider with social values. She spoke about the role of the Transition Board in overseeing the project and involvement by service users and their families to ensure due diligence on the completion of the contract.
Councillor Aaron Shotton expressed his appreciation for the work undertaken by officers and Members. He said that the Council had recognised the importance of continuing to invest in this valued service, which was not a statutory duty. The ADM would help support the development of the new facility which was to replace the existing learning disability day centre at Glanrafon in Queensferry.
Members commended the report and said that progress should be reported to Overview & Scrutiny.
In response to questions, the officers provided clarification on a range of issues including access to grant funding, the selection process for the service provider and terms of the contract. The Commissioning Manager referred to the transparent approach to financial matters of the partnership and agreed to provide a separate response on the value of the contract. The Senior Manager said that arrangements for rota visits would require consideration by the Transition Board.
Councillor Christine Jones paid tribute to the efforts of the team and both Chief Officers during the process, and the all-inclusive approach involving service users, Trade Union colleagues and employees.
The Committee supported the Chairman’s proposal for a slight amendment to the recommendation to reflect the points raised.
(a) That the Committee notes the Council’s wishes to continue to support the service and recognises the efforts made by staff; and
(b) That the Committee notes progress made to date, and supports progress made in the implementation of the Alternative Delivery Model for Social Care - Learning Disability Day Care and Work Opportunities.