Issue - meetings
Urban Tree and Woodland Plan
Meeting: 20/03/2018 - Cabinet (Item 150)
150 Urban Tree and Woodland Plan PDF 113 KB
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As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Thomas introduced the Urban Tree and Woodland Plan report. The Plan examined the opportunities for tree planting, how it would be done and provided a best practice approach to the management of existing urban trees and woodland, including community and partnership working in its delivery.
She commented on the benefits of trees, such as improving health and wellbeing, providing shelter, shade and cooling and connecting people with nature. She explained that the Plan’s vision was ‘To have a diverse and resilient tree canopy cover throughout Flintshire’s towns that is appreciated, managed sustainably, provides multiple benefits to people and the environment, and enhances biodiversity’.
To deliver the vision, the strategic objectives were:
1. To increase the amount of tree planting;
2. To manage trees sustainably;
3. To manage the risks associated with trees;
4. To promote biodiversity; and
5. To work in partnership.
The Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) added that the Plan had set a target of achieving an urban canopy cover of 18% by 2011 from the current 14.5%, the seventh lowest in Wales. He explained that Broughton and Saltney were the two settlements in the County with the lowest canopy cover and the early stages of the plan would focus on increasing the amount of tree planting on sites that the Council maintained in those settlements.
Councillor Shotton welcomed the report and the Plan and commented on other groups that could attract funding independent of the Council such as lottery funding. This could help to accelerate the timescales in the Plan. Councillor Attridge said Wates Residential had a target of 150 trees to be planted by April as part of the Green Plan.
Councillor Jones commented on the excellent trees in Wepre Park and other smaller play areas, and the Forest Schools in primary schools.
That the vision, objectives and actions set out in the Urban Tree and Woodland Plan be agreed.