Issue - meetings
Discretionary Rate Relief scheme for 2017-18 and 2018-19
Meeting: 20/02/2018 - Cabinet (Item 132)
132 Discretionary Rate Relief Scheme for 2017-18 and 2018-19 PDF 95 KB
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As detailed in the recommendations.
Having earlier declared personal and prejudicial interests, Councillors Bithell and Thomas left the room.
Councillor Shotton introduced the Discretionary Rate Relief Scheme for 2017/18 and 2018/19 report.
Following representations from Members, Charitable organisations and a Notice of Motion at the County Council meeting on 30th January 2018, officers were tasked with exploring the feasibility of changing the 2017/18 Discretionary Rate Relief scheme by re-introducing 20% discretionary ‘top-up’ relief targeted specifically to Charities, Voluntary and Community organisations who occupied small premises with rateable values of up to £6,000.
Potential changes were outlined in the report which would ensure that approximately 88 Charities, Voluntary and Community organisations occupying small premises benefited from 100% rate relief, funded through a combination of Mandatory and/or Discretionary Rate Relief. The proposed changes would ensure that those organisations were treated similarly to small ‘for-profit’ businesses who qualified for 100% rate relief as part of Welsh Government’s (WG) fully funded Small Business Rate Relief Scheme (SBR).
The Revenues Manager explained that the financial implications to the changes would be at a cost to the Council of £16,200 for 2017/18, which could be met from existing budget provision set aside to deal with potential hardship applications, and £18,000 for 2018/19 which would be a budget pressure.
Councillor Attridge thanked the Revenues Manager for the work undertaken on this item which resulted in 88 Charities, Voluntary and Community organisations benefitting from 100% rate relief.
The Corporate Finance Manager explained that this would alter the budget figures slightly for the use of reserves for 2018/19 to increase to £1.945m from the £1.927m reported earlier as part of the budget item.
(a) That a retrospective change to the 2017/18 policy framework to provide 20% Discretionary ‘top up’ relief to all Charitable organisations that already benefit from 80% Mandatory Rate Relief and who occupy small premises with a rateable value of up to £6,000, be agreed;
(b) That a retrospective change to the 2017/18 policy framework, to increase Discretionary awards by 20% to all Voluntary and Community organisations, who currently receive 80% Discretionary Rate Relief and who occupy small business premises with a rateable value of up to £6,000, be agreed; and
(c) That it be noted the financial implications for the policy changes will cost £16.2k for 2017/18 and approximately £18k for 2018/19.