Issue - meetings
Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19
Meeting: 01/03/2018 - Flintshire County Council (Item 117)
117 Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19 PDF 81 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19, item 117 PDF 775 KB
- Webcast for Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19
(a) That the Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19 appended to the report be approved; and
(b) That the Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19 be amended to reflect that the new UK Government backed scheme of tax free child care will replace the current child care vouchers from April 2018.
The Senior Manager Human Resources and Organisational Development introduced a report to seek approval of the appended Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19. She explained that the draft Pay Policy Statement summarised the organisation’s approach to pay and remuneration and set this within an organisational, regional and national context. It had been updated to provide a more comprehensive account of the Council’s approach to the remuneration of its workforce
The Senior Manager advised that this year’s statement was consistent with the previous and, whilst there was no change to the proposed principles or approach to remuneration, there were a few additional sections as detailed in the report. She drew attention to sections 10 and 11 in the Statement which had been re-written and provided more details on the role of National Negotiating Bodies and Pay Awards and National Living Wage (NLW) and the impact to date and ongoing. She provided further detail on Section 11 and the ongoing negotiations at a national level in relation to the pay award for 2018 and the proposed changes to the pay spine from 2019. She advised that there had been a formal offer by the national employers in December which had been rejected by the trade unions and that the trade unions were in the process of balloting their members. The outcome of the ballot was expected in March and as a result there may be a further change to the pay policy. The Senior Manager said a full report detailing the implications financial and otherwise of any such agreement once achieved would be referred to full Council at the earliest opportunity. In conclusion she detailed what the implications of the pay award, if accepted, would be on all staff spinal column points and the effect over two years.
The Chief Executive advised that the Council had recently completed its first full Equal Pay audit since the start of the Single Status Agreement, and this had been shared with the trade unions which were satisfied with the outcome. He reported that the Council did not have any current or historical unresolved cases of unequal pay which might be discriminatory.
Referring to page 146 of the report concerning bonus payments and performance related pay, Councillor Mike Peers queried if consideration should be given to whether employees should have annual appraisals linked to performance related pay to be consistent with the arrangements for Chief Officers. He asked if this could be given consideration by the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
Councillor Peers also referred to the reference to child care vouchers on page 152 of the report and said that from April 2018 they were to be replaced by a new UK government backed scheme of tax free child care and said this needed to be incorporated into the Pay Policy Statement.
In response to the queries raised by Councillor Peers, the Chief Executive advised that the Council did not operate bonus payments. On the subject of performance related pay he also advised that the Council ... view the full minutes text for item 117