Issue - meetings

Draft Welsh Language Promotion Strategy

Meeting: 19/04/2018 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 82)

82 Draft Welsh Language Promotion Strategy pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Additional documents:


That the Committee supports the draft five year Welsh Language Promotion Strategy. 



The Chief Executive introduced the report to seek approval of the draft five year Welsh Language Promotion Strategy for formal consultation. 


            The Chief Executive provided background information and commented that Flintshire was an exceptional authority in terms of its commitment to the Welsh language.  He referred to the main considerations as detailed in the report and invited the Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer to provide further information.  The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer  explained that the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy would also contribute to the Council’s Well Being Plan as required by the Well-being and Future Generations Act 2015 and Welsh Government’s goal to provide ‘a Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language’.  She commented on the consultation process which would take place in May 2018 and advised that the final Strategy would be presented to Cabinet in July 2018 for approval before publication and implementation.


Councillor Hilary McGuill commented on the decline in the number of Welsh speakers between the ages of 5-20 as indicated in table 2, page 62 of the report  The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer  suggested that this may be because some young people did not continue to develop their Welsh language skills after leaving school. 


Councillor Billy Mullin spoke of the Welsh Government’s Strategy to achieve one million Welsh speakers in Wales by 2050 and commented on the excellent work undertaken by Welsh medium schools in Flintshire.


The Chair sought clarification around the data provided in table 3, page 63, of the report.  The Chief Executive explained that the information was obtained from census data and agreed to review how the census questions had been structured.  


Councillor Mike Peers referred to the aim of the draft Strategy.  He asked for a breakdown of the percentage of Welsh medium schools, primary schools, and members of the public.  He also commented on the number of primary school pupils currently receiving Welsh medium education and asked whether this would satisfy the target over the next five years. 


Councillor Arnold Woolley referred to educational opportunities, time constraints and the future prospects of Welsh Learners.


Councillor Hilary McGuill asked if funding was available to support initiatives in the community to develop Welsh language skills.  The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer  explained that the Authority was unable to finance such community projects from Council funds, however, there may be an opportunity to apply for a grant from the Community Chest fund.  The Chief Executive commented that there was also the opportunity for local councils to ‘self-organise’ to support local social enterprise. 


Councillor Paul Cunningham commented on the need to promote the use of the Welsh language in all Flintshire schools.




That the Committee supports the draft five year Welsh Language Promotion Strategy.